1.07 KB
layout: home

  name: Sunsynk Home Assistant Addon
  tagline: Take control of your inverter.
    src: /labctl-r.svg
    alt: sunsynk
    - theme: brand
      text: Overview
      link: /guide/overview
    - theme: alt
      text: Installation
      link: /guide/getting-started
    - theme: alt
      text: Addon Options
      link: /reference/multi-options

- icon: 🌐
  title: Energy Management
  details: |
    Enable the Home Assistant Energy Management feature with data from your inverter.
- icon: "{{ }}"
  title: Visualise Power flow
  details: |
    Visualise the immediate power flow in your system
- icon: "⚙️"
  title: Inverter Settings
  details: |
    Update System Mode Settings remotely. Something not possible with the system mode? Automation gives you ultimate control.

- icon: 🎨
  title: Any Inverter
  details: |
    Sunsynk, Deye, Turbo-Energy, single/three-phase. Not a problem. With custom sensors you can integrate any inverter with ModBus.

footer: Apache 2.0 Licensed | Copyright © 2021-2023 Johann Kellerman