Decentralized Issue Tracker -- Issues as Rooms
Decentralized issue tracking, with each issue stored as a Matrix room.
I've been thinking we should develop matrix issue tracking such that a matrix room is created and attached to each and every matrix issue, for discussing that issue, and a github issue is an add-on to the room, rather than using github-owned name space and tooling as the primary source which is so anti-open principles.
It can provide a better experience than the popular centralized model used by GitLab and GitHub. In the centralized model, if I make significant contributions to an issue owned by somebody else's account, then I lose all my history there if they decide to close their account or "ban" me, and I lose all my links to it if they decide to rename it or move it to another domain. In the decentralized model, I keep my own copy of the interactions I contributed to, even if they decide to rename, move, delete, or ban me from accessing their end.
In the typical issue tracker, the tracker is a collection of issues, with not much logic on top of that. Each issue is assigned a (sequential) tag upon creation. Within the issue is:
- lightly structured data (title, software version fields, links, ...)
- issue metadata (template, creator, permissions, etc.)
- a sequence of comments.
The comments are based on IM style messaging, with some additions such as:
- embedded chunks of code to be commented on
- action buttons
- ...
The logic on top of the sequence of issues includes:
- assigning a new issue number/tag upon creation
- ...